Fabric Flower Bouquet


Wether you want to gift your loved one or decorate your home- our beautiful flower bouqet is just perfect. Handmade with love by rural women, this bunch of 6 flowers will surely win hearts and continue to spread joy for years.
Also suitable for bulk gifting, return gifting, conferences etc

Material- Upcycled fabrics;
Size – around 4″in size;
Washcare – Gentle wash or wipe with dry/damp cloth

Please note this is an upcycled product so colour and look may vary slightly.

When you choose a Twirl product

– you help to reduce wastage
– you conserve natural resources
– you support rural communities
– you ensure women empowerment

Every Twirl product is individually handmade and sanitized with love and care.
We hope to deliver your products within 5-7 working days. However, if you need urgent delivery or if there is a delay in receiving your order, please let us know info@twirl.store

For for more information, please refer to FAQs or T&C

20 in stock

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